Online Pomodoro Timer

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Looking for an online Pomodoro timer is the first thing most of us do after reading about Pomodoro technique. I also did the same and found many Pomodoro Timers online. But I did not like the ones I found very much. Most of them were Flash based (I am sorry I am not a big fan of Flash based apps =D), and some Pomodoro Timers were more than just Timers. I was looking for a minimalist interface.

The Pomodoro Timer created by Ryhan Hassan was a very good fit for what I was looking. He had done a very good job in creating a Pomodoro timer. But it was not using desktop notifications and the timer was not available online.

Therefore I decided to fork the his github repo and add the missing features to suit my requirements. I also hosted the modified tool along with my blog.

You can access the Pomodoro Timer from


Pomodoro Timer
Pomodoro Timer start page with a brief introduction on Pomodoro technique
Pomodoro Timer
A digital clock and a progress bar is shown when you start a Pomodoro
Pomodoro Timer
Timer for the break is automatically started when a Pomodoro is done

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